Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Future Construction Worker?

So now that I know I am going to have TWO CRAZY BOYS I have had a different view when it comes to toys. Before I was a little apprehensive about buying "larger" items because I knew that the newness would wear off and then I would be stuck with tons of toys that I would have to figure out a way to get rid of eventaully. Well, since they will now be used with two boys I feel that the investment is worth it (don't get me wrong, Peyton has not been neglected in the toy department. He still has had plenty to play with).

I have been frequently garage sales and this past week I came upon a Tool Bench. Peyton was so in love with it he was angry that I had to put it in the back of the truck to bring it to our house. He wanted to sit and play all afternoon in the grass at a random house in Byron.

He really has enjoyed his tool bench. He is constantly building and gets very upset when it is time for a nap or bed because that takes time away from his tools.

Don't worry he is still following safety rules. The glasses very rarely go over his eyes but they are always on top of his head.

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