Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Tree

During the blizzard on Wednesday we finally had a chance to decorate the Christmas Tree. Traditionally we have always done it the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year it was not happening. Peyton thought it was the best thing in the world. He was such a great helper.
As you can see if thought he needed his stool for this job. He didn't quite understand the concept that we don't put green garland on a green tree. He was so proud of himself we just let him keep working.

He loved hanging the "jingle balls" as he called it.

But, he liked to hang all of them in about the same spot. Don't worry they were all distributed evenly at naptime by a little elf.
In the craziness of the last few weeks I thought briefly about not putting up the tree this year. I am so glad that it was only a brief thought. Peyton loves the tree and the lights. He keeps tell us that the tree is beautiful~

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