Landon was 7 months on 6/19/2010.
Official Weight- 17lbs 8 oz.
I am a little late on this post but the picture was taken on the correct day. Here are some of the things that he is doing this month:
* Sitting on his own- for more then 30 seconds!!!!
* Gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He tried to go forward today and fell flat on his face so it is only a matter of time before he is crawling- we better start baby proofing...
* Eats three meals of solids/ day and nurses twice. He has suddenly decided that this is his favorite thing to do. He will eat anything that is offered to him. He also started Puffs this week!
* Smiles constantly
* Loves his brother (still) he will belly laugh any time that Peyton comes close to giving him any sort of attention.
* Is starting to have seperation anxiety.
* Loves to be held- my right arm is getting really buff from carrying him all over the place;)
* Sleeps from 7:45p.m ish to 6:30 a.m and then right back to sleep until 7:30 a.m- I am still in shock that babies sleep. I was up with Peyton at LEAST one time per night at 7 mo.
* He continues to be a very happy baby!