Thursday, July 1, 2010


This evening I was in the backyard with the boys and one of our neighbor girls ( Kalli) while Jeremy and Kalli's dad, Jon, were working on installing out doors in the newly finished basement. Suddenly Jeremy came running around the corner of the house from the garage and yelled "Get the kids in the house right away!" Being a little freaked out I did what he said. I was imagining the worst, that there was a person in the neighborhood that was dangerous. Then he explained that there was a sworm of bees in the yard next to ours. So we hurried the kids in the house and spent the rest of the night indoors.

After putting the boys to bed this is what we found in the neighbors tree...

A swarm of honey bees! It is an amazing sight. They are all protecting the queen. Jeremy and Jon had big plans of dressing in layers and spraying the bees but the neighbor that owns the tree convinced them otherwise. He has given them 24 hrs and then if they are not gone by tomorrow evening the guys can have at them. It is a really cool sight- from a distance.


Holly Mae said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! Are you sure they should tackle that on their own??? Maybe they need to call in a professional. it does look pretty pictures. I don't know that I'd ever want to get up close though.

Emily Nelson said...

Holy Moly! That is a huge mess of bees! Glad that nonw of you were stung - yikes! I hope the bees find a new home. I hear there is a shortage of honey bees this year. I hope you used the zoom on your camera and weren't really that close!