Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And He's Off...

Landon has hit a major milestone this week. He is CRAWLING! He is everywhere. The past few weeks he has had no problem getting himself where he want to go but it was more of a "scoot"
you might say. Well, as of yesterday he is a full blown crawing machine. The gates are now up and the games are about to begin.

Peyton is not thrilled with this new skill because Landon has taken a sudden interest in anything that belongs to him. I can see that battles that are yet to come in the future. Why would you want to play with a soft, brightly colored, safe baby toy when your brother has hard, brightly colored toys that can be choking hazards. It is time once again to baby proof our house as much as possible and remember to close closet and bathroom doors at all times because who know what he will get into when you look away for one second.

On another note, Landon also had his first tooth pop through this weekend also. I haven't gotten a good picture of it yet so the picture is to come but I wanted to make sure I made note of it since I am using this blog as his baby book also ( the poor second child).

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