Sunday, March 13, 2011

Peyton starts Preschool

We had a big week at our house. Peyton started his first week of preschool. This was a huge decision for our family. We have been more than happy with the preschool program that our daycare lady has done with Peyton for the last couple of years but we were concerned that Peyton needed to be part of a larger group of kids his own age a couple days a week. It has taken some schedule changes for all of us but it has been well worth it. He absolutely LOVES his new school. Luckily it is in our neighborhood so everytime we drive by Peyton reminds us "that is my school."

Here is his first offical day on Monday, March 7th.

He is also very proud of his Lightning McQueen backpack that Grandpa Mike and Jeannie gave him. He now has an official use for it two days a week.

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