Friday, July 22, 2011

Boston- July 2011

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Boston and visit my brother Jason, his wife Sarah and thier sweet boy Silas. Because of the distance between Rochester and Boston I hadn't had the chance to meet my only nephew yet. I was fortunate to be able to spend 6 days on the East Coast with my brother, his family and my dad!

We had a great time. Jason and Sarah did an amazing job of hosting us at thier house, showing us around town and making us lots of delicious food. Everyday we had the something new planned. We did a TON of walking. We saw the harbor, the city, the beach and much, much more.

But most important we got to spend tons of time with sweet Silas. I loved seeing us little personality. He is such a happy boy with a smile that lights up the room! He does a lot of talking (which I am sure he gets from his dad, hahaha).While we were there were able to celebrate Silas's 1st Birthday. He had a great time with the presents and the cake!

I am so thankful that we were able to go out and spend some time with them. Thanks Jason and Sarah for having us!

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