Sunday, February 19, 2012

"I can read now!"

Peyton has always showed in interest in books and reading. He has known his lettes and sounds for some time now but I have really never tried having him put them together to have him read. The past couple of weeks he has been trying to sound out words that he sees around him so I knew it was time to introduce a few easy readers to him. Well they arrived in the mail on Wednesday and by the end of that evening he was reading! He is so proud of himself and now takes 3 books out of the box and reads them all by himself. I couldn't be prouder of him!

He has been announcing to anyone that will listen, "I can read now!"

I have seen many kids start to read in my 10 year career as a teacher, but there is NOTHING like seeing your own baby read for the first time!

1 comment:

Emily Nelson said...

Congratulations, Peyton!!!