Friday, December 18, 2009

Help out where you can

Peyton has been a very big helper the last couple of weeks. He has many important jobs around the house. One of the most important is that when we change Landon's diaper he get's to throw it away! Besides that little job he has other things he likes to "help" with. The newest is that when I am pumping he says "I want to pump too". So, the other night we let him try on the new gear I bought for size. It might be a little big for him but he feels very useful!

Someday Peyton will possibly not be too happy with us for this picture... But, Jeremy and I found it too funny not to photograph and post.

1 comment:

Holly Mae said...

OH MY GOSH!!! This photo is going to come back to haunt that poor boy! I can see it now at his bachelor party!! HAHA!! LOVE IT.