Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to Our Sweet 2 Year Old!

November 19th was our baby's 2nd birthday. I know that he is not "a baby" anymore but he is still our baby. It is amazing to me how fast the last two years have gone. He is amazes us everyday with his vocabulary and his little spunky personality. He is very stubborn minded and when he has his mind made up there is nothing we can do about it.

He had a "Fire truck" birthday party. The weather wasn't great that day so we were unsure if any of our family was going to make it from out of town. Because we had so much food and it was all ready for the party I also called our neighbors and told them to come on over for dinner. Well, most were able to come and some of our family from Red Wing so it turned into a HUGE party. Landon has a hard time at first because he is still very apprehensive around people he isn't around on a daily basis. It took a while for him to warm up but when he did he had a blast!

Here are some fun 2 year old facts about Landon:
* He is a huge sleeper. He sleeps each night for 11+ hours (8PM- 7AM) and takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon.
* Favorite Foods: cheese and fruit- mainly bananas
* He is a very inconsistant eater- he has a Feast and Famine style. We never know if he is going to eat or just push it away. We have decided not to fight him at meal time over not eating and just let him decide- he will eat if he is hungry.
* Landon has started to talk like CRAZY the last 2 months. We are amazed each day with what comes out of his mouth. He loves to repeat everything mom, dad and Peyton say.
* Loves to play with his train table. He doesn't quite have the obsession with trains that Peyton did, but he does enjoy them!

Landon's 2 year Stats:
Weight- 26lbs (24% percentile)
Height- 33inches (13th percentile)
Head Circumference- 48.4 (50th percentile)

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