Sunday, December 4, 2011

Surgery Oct. 2011

Landon had surgery to have his adnoid removed and to insert a second set of tubes in his ears. We knew that when he got tubes when he was 10 months old there was a good chance that he would have to have a second set. When he went in for his routine check with his ENT Dr. in September she recommended a new set of tubes because his left tube was in the process of falling out and there was already fluid behind his ear. We scheduled the appt. for 4 weeks later.

While waiting to go back for surgery for well over an hour Landon was very busy making the nurses laugh. He discovered "Talking Tom" on my phone. He thought it was hilarious when the "tom cat" would repeat everything he said.

The surgery went great and he came out of the anesethia wonderfully. The next few days were very rough. He ended up being in a lot of pain and wasn't dealing with it well. But, after the first week we haven't looked back.

Our Landon is a different kid now. We have been dealing with nasal drainage and congestion since as long as we can remember. We have tried everything from seeing a allergy dr. to taking him off of dairy in hopes we could help relieve this for him. Nothing worked until they removed his adnoid. We are so thankful for the dr.'s that took such good care of him and found out how to fix our poor little guy.