Thursday, August 21, 2008

Last "official" day of summer

Peyton, Grandma and mom spent the last "official" day of summer at the Como Zoo. Since I have to return back to school on Friday we wanted to go out with a bang, and we did.

Peyton loved the butterfly garden. He wasn't too sure what to think of the butterflys that were flying twords him. We heard a lot of this, "oohh." Which those of you that know Peyton he loves that word.

He saw some buffalo

and a lion.

He even took his first ride on an "official" fair ride. He looks very happy here but this was before the ride actually started. When he started going around in circles he burst into tears and they had to STOP the ride so that I could get him off. Poor thing.

The train was definitely more his style. He made sure to keep Grandma really close.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

Check out this video of our little boy. He is such a ham!

Our Prince

Peyton enjoyed his time at the Children's Musuemn last week with Brynn. They were both being a little camera shy in the picture below.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fun in the sun

On Saturday we spent the most of the day out on the Mississipi with the Aseleson's. Peyton loves the boat. He just watches and points as we pass other boats. He is getting so big. He looks like a little boy in this picture.

We stopped for sometime at a beach outside of Wabasha. The two kids had a great time playing in the sand and water. Peyton just loves to run from the beach down to the water over and over again...

He also has an infatuation with throwing sand into the water. As you can tell that backfired on him once on Saturday.

He was so tired on the ride back to Lake City that he fell asleep in my arms for the whole ride. When we arrived to load up the boat he still showed no signs of waking up. So, we put the seat down in the boat and just let him sleep while we packed everything up. He was such a trooper!