Friday, October 29, 2010

All Geared Up!

Thursday night we made the trip to Play it Again Sports to purchase all the necessary gear for our soon to be hockey player. Needless to say, we spent a couple hundred dollars and walked out with everything from skates to a bag.

When we arrived home the first thing this little hockey play did was dive into his new bag and want to try on ALL of the equipment. He was so adorable. I will think this now that the equipment is not all stinky and sweaty. I am going to enjoy the fresh smell of new equipment while it lasts because after living in a house with two hockey players in high school I know how bad it can get.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vegas Baby!

Jeremy and I took a much needed vacation this past weekend to Las Vegas to see my brother Sam get married. He had the time of our lives. I am still trying to recover from the lack of sleep.

The boys stayed back in Minnesota with my mom and Bill. They also had the time of their lives like usual. The quote of the weekend was "what happens at Grandma's stays at Grandma's" except when Grandma posts pictures on Facebook.

11 Months- Teething Much?

Landon was 11 months on October 19th. It is hard to believe that in the next month he will be 1 year old. Life has sure changed in the past year and we wouldn't change a thing. Landon has also changed as a baby in the past 11 months. When he was a new born he was very easy going and went with the flow. Well, now that he is getting older he sure has developed a mind of his own. My once so mellow baby has now become my demanding soon to be toddler. He knows what he wants and he wants it NOW!

Landon has what I like to called "stalled out" in the teething process. He is still only sporting 2 teeth. By the looks of his clothing and the 1/2 dozen bibs that he goes through on a good day he should be sporting a mouthful of teeth in the very near future.

Unofficial 11 month weight:
21 lbs

Other Landon Fun Facts:
* He still is a GREAT sleeper. He goes to bed by 7:30 P.M and sleeps until 7 A.M. He still wakes up for a small bottle between 6 and 6:30 about 3 out of 7 nights.
* Takes two naps per day. One at 9:00 A.M for 1 hour and one at 12:30ish for around 2 hours.
* Eats like a like it is going out of style. He will try anything. His favorite food by far is pancakes. His favorite snacks is Banana Mum- Mums. He goes crazy when he sees the package.
* Drinks 3 bottles a day and takes a cup at meal time. We are hoping to be completely done with the bottles with in the next month.
* Loves to play with whatever his brother is playing with...still working on sharing:)
* Crawls everywhere. Up stairs, up on furniture and up on his mom and dad. He is getting close to being able to go backwards down the stairs.
* Loves to play in the Tupperware Cupboard. He makes a mess of it during dinner each night.
* Wears size 3 diapers.
* Wears 12 month clothiing.

Fall Colors

A few weeks ago we replaced two trees in our yard that didn't make it with two beautiful maple tress. Many of the leaves fell off during the planting and it made a perfect play area for the boys. Landon doesn't look too thrilled because he had just woken up from him morning nap. It sure was a great time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This past Monday we took the plunge and decided to put tubes in Landon's ears. We have been frequent fliers to the peditrician the past 10 months and he has had 7 ear infections. We considered going to the chiroproactor but after meeting with the Ear, Nose and Throat Dr. and an audiologist we decided that this was the best option for our little guy.

We arrived at the Clinic at 7:15 A.M. and we were taken back to the pre/post operating room. Landon was a trooper (he hadn't eaten since 7:30 the night before) and got ready for surgery. The Dr. and nurse assured us that it would be really quick.

He loved to play with all of the cords that were haning around him. They wheeled him back about 8:15 and he was back to us by 8:30. He did AMAZING. He came out of the anastesia great.

He was very relaxed on the way out to the car and fell asleep on the way home. He remainded sleeping for 4 hours after we got home. When he finally woke for the day was his normal self.

Jeremy and I are so happy that we went through with the procedure. He has recovered great and he hasn't had a runny nose since Monday morning at 8:14 A.M! He has had one since he was 8 weeks old! We are so thankful for Dr. Thompson and her crew from Hear, Nose and Throat at Mayo.

Crazy Monkey

Ever since Landon has come into our lives I have always referred to him as "our crazy monkey". Now that he is mobile is is really living up to this name. He has taken an interested lately of "helping" with the dishes.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today we traveled to the Northwoods Apple Orchard. We have been playing to go for weeks to spend a nice FALL day at the orchard. Well, the temperature was 82degrees when we pulled into the lot. It was a hot one, but we still had a ton of fun.

The boys took a photo by the apple that measure how tall you are. This was Landon's first time at the orchard. Peyton is an old pro, this is his 4th! As you can see the sun was in his eyes so he didn't want to spend too much time there posing for the camera.

We had a great time. It was a different experience then when we have gone in the past. The heat definatly was getting to us by the end of our adventure. I am not complaining about the "summer" weather today, but it did make for a different experience that we were used to.