Saturday, June 21, 2008

Only One Week

Our New House!!!!

We are so excited to move into our house on Friday and Saturday next week. It will be so nice to have more room for Peyton to run and play.
Here are a few pics of the inside.

Foyer looking upstairs.

Main level foyer and stairs. As you can see Peyton is a huge fan of the windows on the side of the door because he can look to see what is happening outside.

As you can see, it is not finished yet. Jeremy will be awaiting the arrival of the appliances today. Even though we close in less then a week there is still a lot to be done; countertops, backsplash, carpet, finish painting, sod, deck.... just to name a few. I am a little nervous, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.


Peyton and I are living quite the life. We are spending our time outside. It has just been so beautiful lately. On Wednesday we went to see my mom and brother and spent some time in the pool. Peyton had a great time hanging out it his yellow tube and playing with his uncle Jordan.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Off to the races

It has been a long time since our last post. But summer is finally here and I hope to be better at getting more regular posts. A couple of weeks ago we met my dad and Jeannie at Canterbury Downs. Peyton had a wonderful time.

Peyton has now learned to point. He points at EVERYTHING. He saw the horses in the background and not only was pointing but making a loud "OOO", "OOO" sound.

Dad brought Peyton to pet the horses. As you can see he was a little reluctant.
The Asleson's also came along for the day. Jen and I learned quickly that a day at the race track with two 1 year olds is much different then the past.
Grandpa put a pair of sun glasses on me. Don't I look cool?

So wonderful!

Here is a picture of Peyton sitting in the grass at a park near our house. Doesn't he look precious? He is wearing a perfect shirt for this, "I didn't do it."