Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Say Cheese!

This summer Peyton has been very social. He has been able to attend many lunch dates with Mommy's friends. A few weeks ago we had lunch at Green Mill to celebrate all the June birthdays in the group. Peyton was the only boy and sat at the head of the table. Of course he was turning on the charm to impress all the ladies.

My friend Christie gave me a copy of this shot of Peyton from that afternoon. He looks like a wreck. He is still sporting the wound on his forehead, he is eating a chocolate covered strawberry and winking at the ladies. What a ham...

Playdate with Dominic

This past weekend our friends Holly and Ray and their little guy Dominic came to visit. It is the first time we have seen them since we were both pregnant with the boys. Now we are both expecting again and we decided that it was time to get together.

Peyton and Dominic played so hard together. They had a wrestling/jousting match in the backyard. They chased each other all over with the swimming noodles.

Peyton slept so good that night and the next day he was still exhausted. We are thinking we are going to have to get together again real soon.

Future Construction Worker?

So now that I know I am going to have TWO CRAZY BOYS I have had a different view when it comes to toys. Before I was a little apprehensive about buying "larger" items because I knew that the newness would wear off and then I would be stuck with tons of toys that I would have to figure out a way to get rid of eventaully. Well, since they will now be used with two boys I feel that the investment is worth it (don't get me wrong, Peyton has not been neglected in the toy department. He still has had plenty to play with).

I have been frequently garage sales and this past week I came upon a Tool Bench. Peyton was so in love with it he was angry that I had to put it in the back of the truck to bring it to our house. He wanted to sit and play all afternoon in the grass at a random house in Byron.

He really has enjoyed his tool bench. He is constantly building and gets very upset when it is time for a nap or bed because that takes time away from his tools.

Don't worry he is still following safety rules. The glasses very rarely go over his eyes but they are always on top of his head.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hired Help?

Jeremy was mowing the lawn last night and Peyton had to "help". Notice the attire; no shoes and no shirt- good thing that he is mowing safely.

At one point Peyton couldn't keep up with Jeremy. He kept yelling "wait for me daddy"... Too bad Jeremy couldn't hear him, and Peyton had to start dragging the mower to catch up.

After mowing the boys sat on the patio to relax and cool off.

Love of Chocolate!

Peyton loves Chocolate! Here is a picture of him enjoying part of dad's brownie after dinner on Sunday. Notice that all of the clothes are removed because he is possibly the messiest chocolate eater I know.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby #2 = Boy!

IT'S A BOY!!!! We had a big day at the Eckhoff household on Thursday, July 2nd. We had our formal ultrasound that day. I was totally convinced that it was a girl because the way I have been feeling this pregnancy. I thought it had to be since everything is so different. But, I was proved wrong. We are THRILLED that Peyton will have a best friend that will be 2 years and 8 months younger than him. Now Jeremy will finally talk about names!

When the ultrasound technician was showing legs, Jeremy and I both saw the "extra appendage" before he pointed it out. He also snapped a shot of the goods to prove that this baby is definitely a BOY! If you look carefully you can see the arrow pointing to the evidence ( the pictures is looking up at the bottom of the baby with a little object right between the legs).

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great turn out to the annual 4th of July party at our house on Saturday. Thanks to everyone that came. It is always a fun time to get together. I didn't snap very many pictures. It seemed my camera was always in the house when I needed it.

The kids were trying to "escape" to the park. Even though they had already spent abuut 45 minutes there with the dads.
Everyone came back except for Brynn and Peyton. I think Brynn was trying to help Peyton get back with the pink stroller but Jeremy saved the day by carrying the "lovebirds" back to the yard ( I wonder which side was heavier, the left or the right?).

Peyton enjoying a piece of the Asleson 4th of July cake. An annual tradition.

Once the fireworks started we headed inside. Peyton was totally freaked out by them. It wasn't even worth the fight. Sorry no pictures I was busy watching the toddlers!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Well we finially did it. We took the front off the crib so Peyton is now in a big boy bed (or daybed). We knew that it was time but we were very apprehensive because he slept so well still in his crib and he couldn't get out. But, on Sunday night I found Peyton straddling the top of his crib trying to get out. So on Monday morning the transition happened. Surprisingly it has gone better then expected. He hasn't even tried to get out yet...

UPDATE: PEYTON IS NOW BACK IN THE CRIB- we had to put it back together on Saturday because he had found his new "freedom" and we fought for 1.5 hours to take a nap. We have a new plan we are going to try in a couple of weeks.

Boat Ride with Mattie

This past weekend Peyton spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Swanson so Jeremy and I had a whole weekend to ourselves. On Saturday evening we decided to take Miss Mattie out on the boat with us. She was very apprehensive at first and shook for about the first 15 minutes. Once she warmed up to the idea it was like she was made to be a boater.

Playdate with Brynn

On Friday we made a trip to the Asleson's for a little lunch and playtime (nap time for little Cara). Peyton and Brynn enjoyed themselves ouside in the heat and cooled off in the pool and the sprinkler. Thanks to Brynn for showing Peyton a good time once again:)

Welcome Cara!

Congratulations to the Asleson family on the new addition of Cara Noelle. Brynn is sure a great big sister.

We went to visit the Asleson's after Jen was home from the hospital. As you can see Peyton wasn't very cooperative with the camera. We are so excited to have another girl join the group! She is beautiful!