Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tap if your hurt

Let the brotherly wrestling begin!

Thinkin' Face

The past few weeks anytime you ask Peyton a questions this is what you get:

as he says "um, um, um" and taps his cheek.

Such a Charmer

Big Boy Bike

We finally were able to get Peyton's big boy bike put together. He loves it! Although, he is a little short for it still I think withing the next few months he will be cruising the neighborhood.

Landon- 5 Months

Landon was 5 months on April 19th. He has had quite the eventful month. He is now working on battling his SECOND round of pink eye and ear infections in two weeks. The poor guy got rid of it and within 3 days of being off antibotics he got them both right back. The great thing about him is that he doesn't act sick at all. He may look under the weather but is always a smiley, happy fellow.
5 Month Weight- 15 pounds 8 ounces.
Here is what Landon is doing this month:
* Smiling like crazy
* Belly Laughing
* Rolling over back to belly- he is now officially a tummy sleeper. I put him down for bed and before I even walk away he is on his belly. The Dr. said not to fight it since he is old enough to get himself out of trouble.
* Loves playing in his exersaucer
* Adores his big brother- he will seek him out and just stare and smile at Peyton
We are thinking that we will start rice cereal with him in the next couple of weeks. He is starting to become interested when we are eating.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gone Fishing

This past weekend the boys went to stay with my mom and Bill for a night while Jeremy and I went to a wedding for a good friend. Peyton brought his new fishing pole along so that he could try it out in the pond behind their house.
He is obviously too busy to look at the camera because he needed to watch his line. I love the hand waving and his eyes still on the line.

This is just too cute not to post.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"T" is for "T"hree and "T"rain

Our little Peyton turned 3 today. It is so hard to believe how fast the time has flew by. It feels like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. It is amazing to be how much life has changed since April 3, 2007. He is such a little boy now.
We celebrated his birthday with a "train" birthday party. Peyton LOVES trains and we thought we would take advantage of it. He was so excited for his party all day.

Our little conductor. He would yell out "All Aboard" everytime he would put on his "conductor" hat.

He helped me make a train cake yesterday and all day long today he kept going into the kitchen to take a peek at it.

He even sang along to Happy Birthday, and blew out his candles.

After the party he had a mini-concert with Grandpa Gary and Kaylee in the playroom,

He got a new big boy helmet for his Lightning McQueen bike that he got for Christmas. It is now time to try out those training wheels!

He loved the helmet and knee pads so much he felt the need to wear them the remainder of the night while he played with his other new toys. Why wouldn't you need a helmet and knee pads when driving a remote controlled car?

Or, working on your new lawn mower?
He had a great day. Thanks to everyone who made it special for our little guy!!!

Spring Break!

This past week the boys and I have been on "Spring Break". It has been quite the week. Starting with Jeremy, Peyton and I all getting the stomach flu on Saturday (the first day of break). Jeremy and I were in Duluth for a mini-vacation and the boys were with my mom. So the vacation came to an end very soon. We rushed back the very next day to get the boys in hopes that we could get them home before anyone else contacted the nasty bug. Well, we didn't make it. Everyone that came in contact with Peyton at my mom's house got it too- all 7 of them. So, we spent most of the break inside trying to get healthy instead of outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

I did manage to get this picture of my boys.
We also ventured out for an evening to meet the Asleson's at a hotel in Rochester to go swimming. Landon even strapped on his swim gear and put his feet in the water for the first time.

Peyton 3 Year Stats

This past Wednesday Peyton had his 3-year old well child visit. I had promised him "No Shots" but I was terribly mistaken. When he was a baby they was a shortage of Hib, so he got caught up this appointment. He took the shot like a champ- just a little crying and then thanked the Dr. for giving him medicine when she left ( it was really a nurse- but he thinks they are all the same). Here are his numbers:

Weight- 35lbs- 83rd Percentile
Height- 37 in.- 37th Percentile

He is a very healthy and happy 3 year old!