Monday, November 30, 2009

Home Week 1

We have been home from the hospital for about 1 week now. I thought I would update on how our first week at home has gone.
Lots of sleeping...

Lots of playing...

many visitors

and of course, lots of eating!(sorry, no picture)

Week 1 has gone better than I ever would have expected. Peyton is being an awesome big brother and helping as much as he can. Landon is sleeping and eating great.

Nothing Says...

good dinner better than this!

We decided long ago that because my due date was so close to Thankgiving that we would be staying home this year. Jeremy cooked us a yummy Thanksgiving meal and we stayed home all day long. It was a very nice and quiet day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Look Alike?

Over the past few days I have been noticing more and more how much my two boys look alike.
Landon coming home from the hospital.
Peyton coming home from the hospital.

Landon in the swing.

Peyton in the swing.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Landon Michael

Landon Michael was born on Thurs. 11/19 at 6:45 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. He is very healthy and we are so thankful that he is here. He was born by emergency C section about 1 and 1/2 hours after I arrived at the hospital. His cord was wrapped around his neck twice( which we didn't know at the time) and was causing his heart rate to drop dramatically as labor progressed. He was born within 5 minutes of his heartrate dropping. We are very thanful for the quick thinking of the Dr's. They were incredible. I woke up a couple hours later to a healthy baby boy. He looks just like his big brother did as a baby.

More pictures to come after we get home.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The COUNTDOWN begins.

Well here it is. The Belly picture.
3 weeks before due date with baby #2
3 weeks before due date with Peyton.

It is obvious that the first picture I am quite a bit more tired than I was when I was pregnant with Peyton. It might be due to the fact that I have a 2 year old now.


On Saturday night we went to the Lights At Bluff Valley with our neighbors and their 3 kids. It was all of our first time there and we had a blast. We all packed in our truck and drove around to look at all of the light displays.

There was also a light maze and it was very hard to snap a picture of Peyton because he was running through it so fast. This is the only one I got that you can even make out it was him. Jeremy is trying to run in front of him to slow him down.

If the Shoe Fits...

If Peyton was Prince Charming and Brynn was Cinderella than here is a perfect picture of seeing if the glass slipper fits.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from our "Tiger".

Peyton spent the night Trick or Treating through the neighborhood with his friend Kalley.
Here is a snap shot of his ferocious growl- ROAR!

Keeping Busy

The other night after supper Peyton found the Toys R Us add in the paper. The house got really quiet and this is how I found him. Nothing like keeping yourself entertained.