Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mixed Emotions...

My youngest brother Davis spent the evening with us on Thursday night. He is off for training in Northern MN for two weeks and then after a brief (2 days) break, he will be heading to Fort McCoy in WI and then to Kuwait for the next year. This has been a week of very mixed emotions. I am so proud of him for serving in the military and providing us with the safety we have come to know as Americans. But, I am also very scared/sad to see him leave. Peyton has is so fond of him and is used to having him around one weekend a month while he had Drill in Rochester. I pray for the safety of him and all of the men and women serving overseas.

We will all miss you Davis and look forward to your safe return.

Mother's Day Tea

At preschool Peyton's class had a Mother's Day Tea. It was the CUTEST thing ever. The kids invited all the moms into their room and they had juice and muffins. After the delicious food they treated us to a few songs. It was adorable.

You Can Be My Cowboy!

Western Fashion show compliments of the Eckhoff Boys...