Sunday, October 26, 2008

I think I can hide it

No mom I was not eating the purple crayon. What makes you think that?

Cheap Entertainment

By looking at the pictures below you would think that we don't buy
Peyton any toys. But, the truth is that he would rather play with regular household items. He has way more fun with them:)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Early Halloween

While Jeremy and I were cleaning up after dinner tonight Peyton found the strainer.

First he looked at it for a while.

Then he put it up to his head.

Last, he ran around the house with it like a mask once he realized that he could see through it. Isn't he funny???

How Could You...

Not Love a Face Like This?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we took a family trip to the pumpkin patch. Peyton had a wonderful time. He saw lots of animals, rode around in a wagon and helped pick out pumpkins. He also got to go on a wagon ride that was pulled by a tractor. He absolutely enjoyed it and it was a beautiful Saturday to spend outside.
Peyton thought that he could lift this pumpkin right out of the wagon. He tried, but it never happened.
Driver, on to the next patch please....
October 2008
October 2007
This makes me sad. Here is the difference a year makes.

Crazy Man!

Last weekend I purchased some new clothes. I put them on the stairs so that next time I went up I could bring them to our room. Well, I turned around for one minute and Peyton had taken them out of the bag, threw them to the floor and started rolling around. He thinks he is so funny (so do we)!


We bought Peyton a little cart because he loves to push things around. Well, we have created a monster. He drives that thing around the house so fast you can hardly snap a picture. He is constantly unloading and loading the groceries.
Notice the monkey in the seat. I hope he has it strapped in!