Thursday, May 27, 2010

Landon- 6 months 5/19/2010

6 Month Stats:
* Weight- 16lbs 8 oz- 35th Percentile
* Length- 25.5 Inches Long- 22nd Percentile
* Head Circumfirence- 17 inches- 30th Percentile

He is very proportionate. The Dr. gave him another thumbs up! He had 5 shots at his well child exam! I felt so bad for the little guy. He then spiked a bit of a fever the few days after. But, when that went away he was back to his normal happy self.

Here are some fun facts about Landon:
* Sleeps on his belly- I can't fight it anymore. This has helped so that he has a perfectly round head!
* Sleeps 11 hours at night. He goes to bed by 8pm wakes to eat somewhere around 6am and then goes right back to sleep until I wake him at 7 am.
* Takes 2 Naps a day for about 2 hours a piece ( sometimes he sneaks in an evening nap also)
* Is a ROLLING MACHINE. You cannot keep this boy in one place.
* His legs are constantly kicking.
* Belly Laughs
* Loves to have his tummy kissed
* Has started some solid foods (cereal, peas and sweet potatoes)- he is not much of an eater.
* Drinks 2 to 3 bottles at daycare and nurses twice a day.

He is the most easy going baby I have ever met. He is happy ALL the time and loves to catch his mom, dad and brother's attention. He has a smile that lights up the room!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We're Off To the Races

On Sunday we went to Canterbury Downs with Grandpa Mike and Grandma Jeannie. Peyton thought it was fantastic. He loved cheered for the horses. He was also REALLY good at picking the winning horse!

We even lathered Landon up with sunscreen so that he could enjoy the beautiful day at the races.
Amara and Peyton both got Tattoos.

Do you see a future in racing for this guy?

Weekend at Grandma' and Grandpa's (take 2)

Peyton and Landon got to spend yet another night with Grandma DelRae and Grandpa Bill this past weekend. Jeremy and I had a wedding reception in Rochester and worked on painting the basement. Like usual the boys had so much fun they didn't even realize we were not there.

Peyton helped Grandpa Bill in the garden. He seems really interested in that hole that he is diggin'.
Nothing beats a cold glass of chocolate milk after a days work.

Uncle Jordan even came by for a visit and it seems that both boys got a little cuddle time with him.

Proceed with Caution!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Last Friday Landon had his first taste of solid food at 5 1/2 months. He did an awesome job with it.

He still isn't too sure about the whole thing. It he had his preference I think he would just prefer milk, but we thought it was worth a try. He is now getting one meal per day of rice cereal in the evening.


When Landon was born I thought that the two boys looked so much alike. As Landon gets older it is amazing how different they are, yet so much the same. Here are a couple pictures of the boys right before thier first meal of solid foods a.k.a cereal.

They don't look as much alike (even though Landon was 5 1/2 months and Peyton was 4 months) but they both have the same reaction when they are sitting in the high chair awaiting thier first bite.

Melts My Heart!

He adores his big brother.


Landon has discovered his toes! Now we is always trying to get them to his mouth.
