Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bath Time

Bath nights are sure fun at the Eckhoff house. Both boys love bath time, plus bathing two children at once is much easier than seperate baths.

The anticipation is killing them!
My two favorite butts.

The Race Is On!

Each night when it is time for baths we(Jeremy and I ) race Peyton upstairs to the bathroom. As of this week Landon is now an official racer too. He has mastered the stairs.

It sure is a bummer when you are the winner and the door is closed so you can't even get in.
He doesn't seem to mind though.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday Stroll!

Fall was in the air on Saturday but we took a much needed break from the house and went for a stroll through the neighborhood- well some of us strolled and one person rolled!
Peyton broke out his motorized bike for the event! He had a great time!

He was a very serious driver!

Landon loved the ride but most of all loved watching Peyton ride along side of us!

Landon- 10 Months 9/19/2010

Landon has officially hit 10 months! It is hard to believe that he is only 2 months away from being a year old. Here are some 10 month fun facts:

* He is a climber!!! I mean he climbs on everything, stairs ( sometimes without success, he did have a big goose egg earlier this week), chairs, couches, walls, toys, playground equipment and most of all he loves to climb up my leg.
* Has 2 bottom teeth.
* Wears size 3 diapers
* Weighs around 19.5 lbs.
* Wears 9 month clothing but soon will be in need of a size increase.
* Loves to watch and be involved in everything that Peyton does. Mostly his toys- which doesn't go over very well. I think I say "Peyton share with your brother" at least 10 times a night.
* Loves to go for bike rides in the bike trailer. He holds Peyton's hand- it is so sweet.
* Takes 2 naps a day. One morning for an hour and then a two hour nap in the afternoon.
* Sleeps from 7:45 pm to 7:00 am!!!! Unless he has an ear infection.
* Takes 3 bottles a day.
* Eats 3 meals a day with the family and one snack.
* LOVES table food. It is amazing, he will not even think of eating babyfood at home anymore. He gets very angry when he doesn't have food on his highchair.
* Has had two ear infections in the past month- Ear, Nose and Throat here we come next week! He is sucha trooper.
* Has such a fun personality- he is just a happy baby and we love him!

Happy 80th Birthday Grandma Ruthe!

We headed to Red Wing on Sunday to celebrate Great Grandma Ruthe's 80th birthday at the Colville. The boys had a great time playing with all of the kids at the park! It was hard to peel Peyton away and come back to Rochester.


No, we don't lock our kids in cages but Landon has a new found love with the dog kennel. He loves to climb up on it and look inside! What a little monkey.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Let's Play Hockey

Peyton is officially all signed up for Hockey this fall/winter. He couldn't be more thrilled. It is all he talks about and he reminds me daily "Mom, I need to get some skates." In all of his excitement Jeremy decided to bring him to a MN Ice Hawks game last Saturday night. He had a wonderful time and got to spend time with his friend and neighbor Haili there too.

Thanks to Jenni for the great pictures!