Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 year pictures

Check out Peyton's Two Year Old Pictures- I am not sure how we will decided. We are thrilled with how they turned out.

password: Peyton

Date With Brynn

On Saturday night Peyton and I met Jen and Brynn in Owatonna for a date at the waterpark.

The kids participated in some pre-party jumping on the bed! It is a little blurry because of the movement.
Then off to the Waterpark we went. They were little fish.

Brynn saw a little boy take one of these pink kickboards down the slide and she was determined to ride on one also.

Peyton just used the kickboard as a spashing device.

We had a wonderful time. When we arrived home today Peyton was exhausted. At nap time he didn't want a book read to him as usual, he just wanted to "go sleepy". Thanks to Jen and Byrnn for the great time!

Some News...

Peyton is going to be a big brother! Baby #2 due Nov. 24th, 2009!

Pretty Girl

Here is the most recent pictures of our Mattie. She is 4 1/2 months old! She is becoming a very good dog, especially when she spends the day at doggie daycare because she is exhausted. We are stil working on training, but she has come a long way.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter!

I know that this post is a little late but, I temporarly misplaced the cord to connect the camera to the computer and I found it tonight.

The Easter Bunny was very good to Peyton. This is what he woke up to on Sunday morning.
We spent Easter in Red Wing. Peyton had a wonderful time. He participated in the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Grandpa Mike and Grandma Jeannie's house.

He got to fly a kite with Uncle Jordan.

Peyton stole a kiss from the Easter Bunny...

and Grandpa Mike!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

2 Years Old!

On Friday Peyton turned 2 years old. It is hard to believe that he is already a little boy, and not our baby anymore. Since mom and dad were gone ( his birthday will always fall on spring break and this was the only year we could do this) he spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa.

Happy Birthday my big boy. We will make this up to you. We are planning a big bash with family next weekend (it was supposed to be tomorrow, but the snow is throwing a kink into our plans).

Week at Grandma and Grandpa Swanson's House

Jeremy and I went on a much needed vacation the past week on a cruise through the Carribean. While we were gone Peyton stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Swanson's house. As you will see, Peyton had so much fun he didn't even notice we were gone.

Peyton took a day trip to Edinborough Park. By the looks of things he was the man in charge.

He took a walk to see the horses.

Had plenty of good food.

Played with tractors.

He even had brunch with Uncle Davis and Sarah.

We for a custom wheelbarrow ride compliments of Uncle Jordan.

And, spent time with Grandpa Bill.

Like I said, I am quite sure he didn't even miss us!