Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Cousin

Welcome to Alana Marcia Mae Smith. She was born to Missy and Bryant on Sat. Feb. 21st. Even though she was early(33 weeks) she is doing extreamly well! Peyton hasn't got to meet his new cousin yet because she needs some time to grow first.

She is just a little peanut. She is beautiful.
Amara with her new little sister. She kept telling her Mama that she wanted to take the baby home with her TODAY.

Missy and her two girls.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 2

So we have officially hit week 2 with Mattie. Peyton and her are starting to come around. Here is a sample of how close they got this afternoon. I was shocked when Peyton sat down next to her (but, she was sleeping).

Boys will be boys

We have been spending a lot of time at night in the basement over the past week. It gives Peyton and Mattie space to run around. As you can see from the pictures below, Peyton convinced his dad to "ride bike" with him.

As you can see, riding bikes quickly turned into "crashing bikes." Peyton was having so much fun ( and so was Jeremy).

Keeping Fit

A few weeks ago we purchased a Wii and Wii fit. Peyton has only seen us play it a handful of times, but from the looks for things he understands what he needs to do.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Addition

Here is the new addition to the Eckhoff family. We adopted her today (Valentine's Day) and her name is Mattie. Peyton is a little unsure what to think of her. He loves to say her name but backs away if no one is holding her. It will take some time, but I sure that the both of them will become the best of friends.