Friday, December 23, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday to Our Sweet 2 Year Old!

November 19th was our baby's 2nd birthday. I know that he is not "a baby" anymore but he is still our baby. It is amazing to me how fast the last two years have gone. He is amazes us everyday with his vocabulary and his little spunky personality. He is very stubborn minded and when he has his mind made up there is nothing we can do about it.

He had a "Fire truck" birthday party. The weather wasn't great that day so we were unsure if any of our family was going to make it from out of town. Because we had so much food and it was all ready for the party I also called our neighbors and told them to come on over for dinner. Well, most were able to come and some of our family from Red Wing so it turned into a HUGE party. Landon has a hard time at first because he is still very apprehensive around people he isn't around on a daily basis. It took a while for him to warm up but when he did he had a blast!

Here are some fun 2 year old facts about Landon:
* He is a huge sleeper. He sleeps each night for 11+ hours (8PM- 7AM) and takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon.
* Favorite Foods: cheese and fruit- mainly bananas
* He is a very inconsistant eater- he has a Feast and Famine style. We never know if he is going to eat or just push it away. We have decided not to fight him at meal time over not eating and just let him decide- he will eat if he is hungry.
* Landon has started to talk like CRAZY the last 2 months. We are amazed each day with what comes out of his mouth. He loves to repeat everything mom, dad and Peyton say.
* Loves to play with his train table. He doesn't quite have the obsession with trains that Peyton did, but he does enjoy them!

Landon's 2 year Stats:
Weight- 26lbs (24% percentile)
Height- 33inches (13th percentile)
Head Circumference- 48.4 (50th percentile)

Halloween 2011

Halloween started off a little different the the past years. Landon was fresh out of surgery so he was feeling a little under the weather. But, he was a tropper and still participated in all the festivities with the rest of the family. We kicked off Halloween with pumpkin carving. Landon loved this, Peyton loved the carving part but not so much the cleaning out the pumpkin part. The boys each helped with thier own pumpkin.

The Saturday before Halloween we attended the "Second Annual Timpane Halloween Party"! It was a blast the kids and adults were all asked to dress up. Landon of course was a little camera shy, but the rest of the kids had no problem stopping for a pose.

The adults were pretty serious this year. Jeremy and I dressed up as the Saturday Night Live Spartan Cheerleaders. Unfortunetly, another couple had the same idea. But, Jeremy and I outshine them because not only did we dress up, but we had our own cheerleader routine that entertained the crowd! We didn't win the contest for best costume, but we had a blast!!!

Peyton was Darth Vader this year!
Landon was a Skunk for the party!

On Halloween we got together with some of our neighbors for Pizza before the main trick or treating event. The kids were all so excited!
This is not the best photo of them all because no one was looking at the camera but it is all I have...

The kids all headed off with the dads trick or treating and the moms all stayed back at our house to hold down the fort and pass out 4 houses worth of candy in one stop.

It was a great weekend. We are so blessed to live in a neighborhood with such wonderful people that have quickly become good friends.

Surgery Oct. 2011

Landon had surgery to have his adnoid removed and to insert a second set of tubes in his ears. We knew that when he got tubes when he was 10 months old there was a good chance that he would have to have a second set. When he went in for his routine check with his ENT Dr. in September she recommended a new set of tubes because his left tube was in the process of falling out and there was already fluid behind his ear. We scheduled the appt. for 4 weeks later.

While waiting to go back for surgery for well over an hour Landon was very busy making the nurses laugh. He discovered "Talking Tom" on my phone. He thought it was hilarious when the "tom cat" would repeat everything he said.

The surgery went great and he came out of the anesethia wonderfully. The next few days were very rough. He ended up being in a lot of pain and wasn't dealing with it well. But, after the first week we haven't looked back.

Our Landon is a different kid now. We have been dealing with nasal drainage and congestion since as long as we can remember. We have tried everything from seeing a allergy dr. to taking him off of dairy in hopes we could help relieve this for him. Nothing worked until they removed his adnoid. We are so thankful for the dr.'s that took such good care of him and found out how to fix our poor little guy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Pics 2011

It is amazing how fast our boys are growing. These pictures sure show thier individual personalities. Peyton is our happy, outgoing, loving daddy's boy while Landon is a little more serious, adventurous and independent, mommy's boy. They couldn't be any more different but still have an amazingly loving realationship towards eachother.

Our Thingamajigs

Dinner and a Movie!

We have been doing a date night exchange with another family from the boys's old daycare the last couple of months. It is a great deal. They take our kids for a few hours and then we take theirs. Peyton and his "best friend" Jaden, love their time together. They have so much fun together. This past weekend we had Jaden and Miles over for dinner and a movie! Landon loved baby Miles and he also loved chasing the big boys around.



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall Tradition

We continued with our annual tradition of heading to the Northwoods Orchard in the fall this weekend. For the second year in a row we had exceptionally warm temperatures but it made for a georgeous afternoon.

Pickin' Out Pumpkins

Northwoods has the BEST homemade donuts. So of course we couldn't pass up the opportunity to taste test them. They do not disappoint!

Preschool 2011-2012

Peyton headed off to preschool the first week of September. He was thrilled to get back to Kingdom Kids and meet his new teacher. Although it took a lot of convincing when he found out that his teacher would not be the same as last year. He finally got it and never looked back. He is attending 3 afternoons per week. It is perfect for him and will be a great transition for a full day Kindergarten program next year.

Labor Day 2011

We were lucky enough to spend Labor Day weekend up at Craguns. Jeremy entered a contest and submitted a "memory" from our 2010 Craguns vacation. He won! Unfortunetly he ha Fantasy Football committments that weekend so Grandma DelRae and I headed up North with the boys. Being that it was the weekend before school started but head was not in it as much as I would have liked. But, we had a great time!

Smores once again were a hit for both of the boys!

Campfires and Smores were once again a HUGE hit!

The weather was pretty cool but Grandma helped the boys make an alligator in the sand. Peyton was a pretty proud artist.

It was a fun weekend. A nice end to the summer!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Aslehoff (Asleson/ Eckhoff) 2nd Annual Craguns Vacation!

The summer seemed to fly by and before you knew it, it was the end of August and we were off to Craguns with our good friends the Asleson's for the second year! The kids were all so excited, but so were the adults. Last summer was a good time, but this summer really was a GREAT time. We are so lucky to be able to spend time with such dear friends and watch our kids develop stronger relationships.

We left Rochester and headed towards Brainerd. About 2 hours into the 3.5 hour trip we decided to stop for a bite to eat. After we finished eating we noticed Landon had a red and "goopy" eye. I knew it was pink eye so we found the nearest minute clinic. Our suspisions were confirmed and we were lucky to see a doctor, get the prescription filled and get back on the road within an hour!

When we arrived the kids were thrilled to be out of the car and to be at "the cabin."

The following collages of pictures are just a snidbit of the fun we head.

We spent a TON of time playing in the sand. The kids seemed to find new things to do everyday in it. It was very nice to have 4 children who you didn't have to worry about eating the sand. Last year Landon consumed his fair share.

We also spent a good part of the week in the water. The cabin we rent is right on the beach and right across the street from the pool. It is a child's paradise. We also rented a pontoon for part of the week ( we have decided this might be our next large investment). It was wonderful. The kids jumped from the pontoon into the lake and we had some great rides.

The pool was also a big hit and the most popular word that you heard while the Aslehoffs were there was "Cannonball."

The kids also had a great time fishing from the dock. Landon just LOVED the fish and Peyton loved to catch them.

We also spent one day being official tourists. We headed into the adorable town of Nisswa and checked out the local History Center. Across the stree they had a wooden play train and a retired train engine. The kids loved it all. The adults loved the pizza place we stopped at afterwards. We also got a chance to take everyone on a horse drawn carriage ride. It was a great daytrip.

Each and everynight we ended the day with a campfire. I have never consumed more Smores in my life but each and every night they were more delicious. It was a hi-light of each day.

We had a great family vacation and we cannot wait until next year!

Nothing says great vacation than this...

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have to remind myself that in a few years I will beg for him to let me hold him. For right now this is his all too familiar "begging" face.


Can you tell that someone's favorite new words are "IT'S HOT!

Fair Time 2011

We once again headed out to the Olmsted County Fair this summer. Like always there was a ton of delicious fried food, lots of (stinky) animals, some great rides and some scary looking Carnies.

We took full advantage of a Thursday late afternoon thunderstorm and headed out just as it stopped raining. It was a great time to go. The crowd was at a minimum when we arrived. Here are some of the hi-lights!

Boy in a Ball: Peyton begged to go in the life size blow up ball. I was pretty aprehensive at first but after I watched for a while and the trusty carnival worker assured me that there was enough air to last for 3 hours I said "why not?"

Animals: The boys loved seeing all of the farm animals that were at the fair. They had a new exhibit this year that featured newborn farm animal. Literally, there was a cow giving birth as we walked through the barn. We didn't stick around too long for that one because a certain 4 year old had a lot of questions that I wasn't ready to tackle that night. We did get to see 2 hour old piglets, 1 day old goats, and many newborn chicks. Landon was in love.

Peyton got to try his hand at milking a cow.

Landon was getting up close and personal with the sheep (while some children pet the animals, Landon chooses to give them a kiss.)

Rides: Wow, rides a much more expensive when there are two children riding. We blew through our tickets in no time and that certain 4 year old was not pleased that he didn't get to go on all the rides he wanted to. We rode a few rides as a family and then Peyton got to go by himself on a few.

(one day they will all look at the camera, as for now this is as good as it gets)

Ferris Wheel

Once again we had a perfect night at the fair.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Boston- July 2011

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Boston and visit my brother Jason, his wife Sarah and thier sweet boy Silas. Because of the distance between Rochester and Boston I hadn't had the chance to meet my only nephew yet. I was fortunate to be able to spend 6 days on the East Coast with my brother, his family and my dad!

We had a great time. Jason and Sarah did an amazing job of hosting us at thier house, showing us around town and making us lots of delicious food. Everyday we had the something new planned. We did a TON of walking. We saw the harbor, the city, the beach and much, much more.

But most important we got to spend tons of time with sweet Silas. I loved seeing us little personality. He is such a happy boy with a smile that lights up the room! He does a lot of talking (which I am sure he gets from his dad, hahaha).While we were there were able to celebrate Silas's 1st Birthday. He had a great time with the presents and the cake!

I am so thankful that we were able to go out and spend some time with them. Thanks Jason and Sarah for having us!