Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Future Runner?

I got a facemask for running in the winter for Christmas this year. When Peyton saw it he just had to try it on. He then proceeded to call himself a MONSTER!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

New Ride!

Peyton got a new Motorized Bike for Christmas from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Jeannie. He loved it! I think a helmet is in his future. Luckily it only goes 2MPH.


This is the first time my brothers and I have all been together since May of 2008. It was wonderful to spend some time with them!

My brother Jason and his wife Sarah flew in from Boston for the Holidays. It was so nice to see them. We haven't seen them since they got married a year and a half ago. Luckily we made the trip to my moms on Tuesday so that we could make sure get a visit in before the storm hit. They were snowed in the rest of their visit due to all the snow.
Sarah is holding Landon and they are expecting thier first baby in July of 2010. Congratulations!

We miss them and wish we could see more of them. Too bad they live so far away.
(thanks for the pics Cherie- I stole them...)

Finally a Train Table!

Peyton was lucky enough to finally get a train table from Santa this year! He had just woke up in this picture. He loves it and we are having a hard time getting him to do anything but play with it- even eating. It was a hit Santa!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Santa made his annual arrival to the Exner Chrismas. Peyton had no problem making himself comfortable on top of his lap. He climbed right up there and just sat while Santa passed out all of the presents. We were amazed because when we saw Santa eariler in December his just held on to Jeremy and didn't let go.

Peyton and Landon with Santa. Not the highest quality picture due to the fact that I displaced my camera for the 3rd time in 2 days so I had to use my old camera.

Happy Birthday!

Miss Mattie celebrated her 1st birthday on Dec. 24th!

Friday, December 18, 2009

4 Weeks

Landon is already 4 weeks old! It is amazing how fast the time has gone and how he has changed already. He is a very good sleeper and eater and is on a very predictable schedule
(those that know me well know I love schedules!) He is starting to stay awake for longer periods, and over the last couple of days he has started to find his voice with the start of some cooing.

Help out where you can

Peyton has been a very big helper the last couple of weeks. He has many important jobs around the house. One of the most important is that when we change Landon's diaper he get's to throw it away! Besides that little job he has other things he likes to "help" with. The newest is that when I am pumping he says "I want to pump too". So, the other night we let him try on the new gear I bought for size. It might be a little big for him but he feels very useful!

Someday Peyton will possibly not be too happy with us for this picture... But, Jeremy and I found it too funny not to photograph and post.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gingerbread House

Since it has been so cold out we have been trying to find things to do with "just Peyton" in the house. This weekend Peyton and mom spent some time making our first gingerbread house.

Peyton was a terrific helper. I was very impressed with how interested he was in helping with everything.
He loved putting the candy on. There might of been a little taste testing on his part also:)

A proud 2 year old with the finished product!

I'm A Rock Star

On Saturday Peyton's cousin Amara came to play for a bit They were a great two man band. Peyton's favorite song is "Hey Now I'm a Rock Star". He loves to play that song on the guitar or his crocodile keys, while he sings along.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Tree

During the blizzard on Wednesday we finally had a chance to decorate the Christmas Tree. Traditionally we have always done it the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year it was not happening. Peyton thought it was the best thing in the world. He was such a great helper.
As you can see if thought he needed his stool for this job. He didn't quite understand the concept that we don't put green garland on a green tree. He was so proud of himself we just let him keep working.

He loved hanging the "jingle balls" as he called it.

But, he liked to hang all of them in about the same spot. Don't worry they were all distributed evenly at naptime by a little elf.
In the craziness of the last few weeks I thought briefly about not putting up the tree this year. I am so glad that it was only a brief thought. Peyton loves the tree and the lights. He keeps tell us that the tree is beautiful~

Tummy Time at 2 years?

Peyton thought that he could use a little tummy time too. What a difference 2 years and 8 months make.


It has seemed that every picture that we have of Landon his eyes are closed due to sleeping. I finally snapped one of him AWAKE!- such a serious face all the time

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today we got pictures taken of both of the boys. They both did wonderful.
Here are a few of the pictures that were taken.