Saturday, August 28, 2010

Caguns 2010

This past week week we spent some time with the Asleson Family at Cragun's resort outside of Brainerd. We rented a cute little 3 bedroom cabin and made it our home for the week. It was such a wonderful vacation. I have downloaded some of the hi-lights of the trip. There were so many that there is a ton to share. The kids and adults had such a blast we are all still trying to catch up on sleep.

At the cabin we did a bunch of wonderful things, such as;

Paul Bunyan Land in Brainerd

This was the first picture before the ride started. As you can see the kids are a little apprehensive about what is going to happen next.

Peyton got over it pretty quickly, but Brynn was a little scared at first. She pulled through like a champ and both kids decided to not only go on the Frog Hopper one time, but four times total!

We did A LOT of eating.

We went for a couple strolls through the resort.

Took a horse drawn trolly ride.

We had a bon- fire each night where the kids got to roast some "snores" over the campfire.

The older kids fished off the dock with their dads and caught some wonderful sun fish.

We did tons of swimming.

The last night the two older kids capped the night off with a romantic ride (or photo opp.) on the Gator that delivered us wood each night for out fires. It was the hi-light of the night when "Bill" drove up and gave us his life story in in few short minutes while passing out more fire wood.

We had such a wonderful trip! We have decided that this will now be a an annual Asleson/ Eckhoff family vacation! We look forward to next summer.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Landon- 9 months

It is hard to believe that our baby is already 9 months old! I know I say that with each month that passes but it is amazing to me how much they change is such a short amount of time. He is such a fun little boy and every day he makes us all laugh. Peyton and him are forming such a good friendship and it melts my heart to see it happen. Peyton is such a good big brother and Landon absolutely adores him.
9 month Stats:
Weight: 18lbs 8 oz- 20th Percentile
Length: 27 inches- 17th Percentile
Head Circumference: 18inches- 48th Percentile
He had another fantastic checkup this week and the best of all NO SHOTS!!! He had another ear infection last week and as of yesterday it was all cleared up. He has been a frequent flyer for ear infections in his short little life so far. We are hoping to keep him as healthy as possible in the upcoming months.
More fun Landon facts:
* He is crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on furniture, people, the dog, you name it, and he has tried it.
* Eats 3 solid meals per day with milk from a cup. Within the past week he has tranistioned over to all table food. He is much happier when he can each what the rest of the family is eating. He can gum up anything.
* Drinks three bottles 4-5 oz bottles per day. I am officially done nursing so he is transitioning to formula so that when the frozen milk is gone he can start that.
* Wears size 3 diapers.
* Wears 9 month clothing.
* Sleeps 11-12 hours per night. He goes to bed at 7:30 and gets up around 7:30. He was sleeping straight through until he got his ear infection last week and now he has been waking around 6:45 for a bottle and then goes right back to sleep. This will all change in about a week when we all go back to work ( a.k.a daycare).
* Takes 1-2 naps per day. He is really fighting the morning nap at this time. So, we try but usually he doesn't sleep.
* Loves to play with Peyton's trucks and makes the truck noise as he is pushing it around the floor- it is adorable.
* He is super attached to his Mama- he gets very fussy when I leave his sight or if I walk by and don't pick him up. I keep telling myself that this will end soon.
* Landon continues to be a happy baby. We are learning that he has a very firery personality!


Trying to climb the stairs!

Standing while playing with his play table!

And, into the cupboards!

It is amazing how much one mobile 9 month old changes your life. He can't be trusted anywhere.

Wacky Hair Day??

This morning the boys and I went to go get Peyton a hair cut. He did an awesome job of sitting still, listening to the beautician and not freaking out when the clipper was going around his ear. After the cut was all done she asked Peyton " Would you like some Gel in your hair today, and we can spike it up?" He of course answered "YES!" Then the nice lady asked; "would you like red or blue?" Before I even had a chance to put my two cents in Peyton yelled; "BLUE!" So, we left with BLUE, spiked hair. You can imagine the looks I got at Target when we stopped their to do some shopping after the cut.

Teeth- As in Plural for Tooth

Landon officially has TWO bottom teeth, or "toofers" as Peyton calls them. The second tooth seemed to come out of no where- one day it wasn't there and then the next day it was!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fishing Hole

Last week we went and spent the evening in New Germany with my mom and Bill. Peyton had his first "REAL" fishing experinece. They have a man made pond behind their house and it is stocked with fish. Peyton must have caught close to 50 fish that night. He had a blast and was very nervous at first about the fish that he was catching. You literally could drop the hook in the water and you would have a fish as soon as it went it.

The video below is a hoot because at the end Peyton gives this fish the ride of his life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer = Fair Time

There is nothing more romantic than walking through the pig barn at the county fair in the summer time with your girl. As you can see by the look on Brynn's face it might be a little stinky. Peyton didn't seem to mind though, he had his girl by his side.
Last Friday night the Asleson crew came down to join us for the Olmsted County Fair. We are so happy they came to spend the evening with us because the kids (and adults) had a blast.

The older two took full advantage of their ride wristbands and went on tons of rides.

Both of them had a ride on a pony with their dads at their sides.

Peyton and Landon had their first Ferris Wheel ride. Peyton thought it was great. Landon had no idea what was going on.


The boys also enjoyed some traditional fair food before our night came to an end.

Landon had no problem putting back a few mini-donuts (seems pretty standard in an 8 month old diet?).

And, Peyton got the chocolate shake that he desperately wanted.
It was a great time and all of the kids were up WAY past their bedtime.

Friday, August 6, 2010

In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

On Wedensday the replica ships The Nina and The Pinta were in Lake City for people to tour. We headed does there right away in the morning to meet Grandpa Mike.

Although Peyton has no idea at this point what these ships are or what they symbolize he really enjoyed them. He was very confused when looking at pictures as to how they were made and kept referring them to trains or being on a track. In his 3 year old mind trains are all that matters.

He had a great time and talked about the "Big Ships" the whole drive back home. He also asked "How come we didn't go to the beach" When I said we were going to Lake City he automatically figures we are going out on the boat to head for the beach;)
These ships were amazing and the crew has to work very hard to get them where they need to be. They sail all over North America for 10 months of the year. I think this could be a great summer job for a certain boy of ours in about 15 years!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And He's Off...

Landon has hit a major milestone this week. He is CRAWLING! He is everywhere. The past few weeks he has had no problem getting himself where he want to go but it was more of a "scoot"
you might say. Well, as of yesterday he is a full blown crawing machine. The gates are now up and the games are about to begin.

Peyton is not thrilled with this new skill because Landon has taken a sudden interest in anything that belongs to him. I can see that battles that are yet to come in the future. Why would you want to play with a soft, brightly colored, safe baby toy when your brother has hard, brightly colored toys that can be choking hazards. It is time once again to baby proof our house as much as possible and remember to close closet and bathroom doors at all times because who know what he will get into when you look away for one second.

On another note, Landon also had his first tooth pop through this weekend also. I haven't gotten a good picture of it yet so the picture is to come but I wanted to make sure I made note of it since I am using this blog as his baby book also ( the poor second child).

Monday, August 2, 2010

Too Cute!

Last Sunday we TRIED to head out on the river to spend the day on the beach with Uncle Jordan and Chrissy, but due to boat "complications" our trip was cut short. Peyton was so excited and posed for this adorable picture wearing Uncle Jordan's glasses. Even though our plans changed I think he still had a good time.

Zoo Week

We had the opportunity to go to the MN Zoo and the Como Zoo in one week. The boys and I had a blast at both places.
On Monday we met Grandma DelRae at the MN Zoo. We spent our time enjoying the animals, taking a tractor ride (which Peyton loved) and playing at the park in the zoo.

On Wednesday we headed up to the Como Zoo to meet my college friend Holly and her two adorable boys. It was so nice to hang out with them for the day. Both of our boys are within months of each other so they really enjoyed their time looking at the animals and wrestling after lunch.

*** Warning*** the next two pictures might seem like I am raising bullies!
Dominic and Peyton

Tyson and Landon

Don't his eyes look like they are saying "are you ready to go yet?"

We had a great week at the two zoo's but I think I am zooed out for a little while.