Tuesday, March 23, 2010

4 Month Stats!

Landon had his 4 month well child exam on Monday. Here are his current stats:
Weight: 15lbs- 52nd Percentile
Length- 24inches- 63rd Percetile
Head Circumference: 42cm- 50th Percentile

The doctor gave him the thumbs up and said that he is growing "perfectly". We have to agree!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

4 Months!

Landon was 4 months old on Friday. It is hard to believe how much life has changed with him in our family. He has been the best addition! Here are some Landon facts:
* Rolls from his belly to his back (he dislikes tummy time so this isn't helping at all)
* Smiles all the time. He loves watching Peyton, and will smile at him any time that he is around.
* Loves the Johnny Jump-Up.
* Sleeps everytime you put in the the Baby Bjorn- my personal favorite time with him.
* Sleeps from 8PM to 7AM. I wake him between 5:00-5:30AM to feed him then he goes right back to sleep until we wake him to get ready for daycare.
* Eats 4-6oz per feeding 3 times per day at daycare and nurses three times per day.
* Still can be VERY picky when drinking from a bottle at daycare but he is getting much better.
* He is the most easy going baby.

We've Got a Roller!

On Saturday Landon started like this:

And suddenly ended like this:

He is getting very close to rolling from back to tummy also. He actually rolled on Friday evening but I missed it. I set him down for some tummy time and went to go and let the dog back in the house. When I came back to the living room he was on his back. Of course he wouldn't do it again for me until Saturday.

Here I Am!

Peyton was helping me unpack a box of baby toys that we had stored away. Since Landon is a little more interested in objects now, I thought it would ba great time to pull them out. Peyton got a little bored and jealous so he started using the box as a toy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy 30- Something Daddy!

This weekend we celebrated Jeremy's 31st birthday.

Peyton of course had to "help" open Daddy's presents.
Note to self: Do not wrap gifts with an almost 3 year old if you don't want him to tell what is inside of it before it is open.

We also got to celebrate Brynn's 3rd birthday on Saturday . Peyton again felt that he needed to be in on all of the action. It is a amazing that she is already 3. It feels like just yesterday that our babies were born. We are so thankful we have such good friends in the Asleson's and that our kids can grow up together.
He just adores her...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

God Bless Landon!

Today Landon was baptized in Red Wing by pastor Gary. We had a great day celebrating with our family and enjoying some great food!

My two boys!

Party of 4!

So here it is, the best picture yet of the 4 cousins. I think we will try for another in the near future.