Sunday, March 21, 2010

4 Months!

Landon was 4 months old on Friday. It is hard to believe how much life has changed with him in our family. He has been the best addition! Here are some Landon facts:
* Rolls from his belly to his back (he dislikes tummy time so this isn't helping at all)
* Smiles all the time. He loves watching Peyton, and will smile at him any time that he is around.
* Loves the Johnny Jump-Up.
* Sleeps everytime you put in the the Baby Bjorn- my personal favorite time with him.
* Sleeps from 8PM to 7AM. I wake him between 5:00-5:30AM to feed him then he goes right back to sleep until we wake him to get ready for daycare.
* Eats 4-6oz per feeding 3 times per day at daycare and nurses three times per day.
* Still can be VERY picky when drinking from a bottle at daycare but he is getting much better.
* He is the most easy going baby.

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