Friday, August 6, 2010

In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue

On Wedensday the replica ships The Nina and The Pinta were in Lake City for people to tour. We headed does there right away in the morning to meet Grandpa Mike.

Although Peyton has no idea at this point what these ships are or what they symbolize he really enjoyed them. He was very confused when looking at pictures as to how they were made and kept referring them to trains or being on a track. In his 3 year old mind trains are all that matters.

He had a great time and talked about the "Big Ships" the whole drive back home. He also asked "How come we didn't go to the beach" When I said we were going to Lake City he automatically figures we are going out on the boat to head for the beach;)
These ships were amazing and the crew has to work very hard to get them where they need to be. They sail all over North America for 10 months of the year. I think this could be a great summer job for a certain boy of ours in about 15 years!

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