Friday, August 20, 2010

Landon- 9 months

It is hard to believe that our baby is already 9 months old! I know I say that with each month that passes but it is amazing to me how much they change is such a short amount of time. He is such a fun little boy and every day he makes us all laugh. Peyton and him are forming such a good friendship and it melts my heart to see it happen. Peyton is such a good big brother and Landon absolutely adores him.
9 month Stats:
Weight: 18lbs 8 oz- 20th Percentile
Length: 27 inches- 17th Percentile
Head Circumference: 18inches- 48th Percentile
He had another fantastic checkup this week and the best of all NO SHOTS!!! He had another ear infection last week and as of yesterday it was all cleared up. He has been a frequent flyer for ear infections in his short little life so far. We are hoping to keep him as healthy as possible in the upcoming months.
More fun Landon facts:
* He is crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on furniture, people, the dog, you name it, and he has tried it.
* Eats 3 solid meals per day with milk from a cup. Within the past week he has tranistioned over to all table food. He is much happier when he can each what the rest of the family is eating. He can gum up anything.
* Drinks three bottles 4-5 oz bottles per day. I am officially done nursing so he is transitioning to formula so that when the frozen milk is gone he can start that.
* Wears size 3 diapers.
* Wears 9 month clothing.
* Sleeps 11-12 hours per night. He goes to bed at 7:30 and gets up around 7:30. He was sleeping straight through until he got his ear infection last week and now he has been waking around 6:45 for a bottle and then goes right back to sleep. This will all change in about a week when we all go back to work ( a.k.a daycare).
* Takes 1-2 naps per day. He is really fighting the morning nap at this time. So, we try but usually he doesn't sleep.
* Loves to play with Peyton's trucks and makes the truck noise as he is pushing it around the floor- it is adorable.
* He is super attached to his Mama- he gets very fussy when I leave his sight or if I walk by and don't pick him up. I keep telling myself that this will end soon.
* Landon continues to be a happy baby. We are learning that he has a very firery personality!

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