Saturday, November 21, 2009

Landon Michael

Landon Michael was born on Thurs. 11/19 at 6:45 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. He is very healthy and we are so thankful that he is here. He was born by emergency C section about 1 and 1/2 hours after I arrived at the hospital. His cord was wrapped around his neck twice( which we didn't know at the time) and was causing his heart rate to drop dramatically as labor progressed. He was born within 5 minutes of his heartrate dropping. We are very thanful for the quick thinking of the Dr's. They were incredible. I woke up a couple hours later to a healthy baby boy. He looks just like his big brother did as a baby.

More pictures to come after we get home.


Holly Mae said...

Welcome baby Landon!! We can't wait to meet you!!! So happy that the doctors were on the ball and got him out quickly and safely. Hope big brother Peyton is loving his baby brother!!!

Darren, Jennie, Brynn, and Cara said...

Congratulations, Eckhoffs, on the birth of Landon. We can't wait to meet him! We're thinking of you!!

Emily Nelson said...

Congratulations! We are so excited to meet Landon - hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you are recovering well from your C-section. :)