Sunday, April 25, 2010

Landon- 5 Months

Landon was 5 months on April 19th. He has had quite the eventful month. He is now working on battling his SECOND round of pink eye and ear infections in two weeks. The poor guy got rid of it and within 3 days of being off antibotics he got them both right back. The great thing about him is that he doesn't act sick at all. He may look under the weather but is always a smiley, happy fellow.
5 Month Weight- 15 pounds 8 ounces.
Here is what Landon is doing this month:
* Smiling like crazy
* Belly Laughing
* Rolling over back to belly- he is now officially a tummy sleeper. I put him down for bed and before I even walk away he is on his belly. The Dr. said not to fight it since he is old enough to get himself out of trouble.
* Loves playing in his exersaucer
* Adores his big brother- he will seek him out and just stare and smile at Peyton
We are thinking that we will start rice cereal with him in the next couple of weeks. He is starting to become interested when we are eating.

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