Saturday, September 13, 2008

Big Boy!

Peyton FINALLY got a big boy haircut today. It took a lot of coaxing from me to finally get Jeremy to agree. So we went to the salon and off it came ( I did save a few locks for the baby book).

Before the Big Boy hair cut

Peyton's favorite person (Tricia) was over for dinner on Monday and put a "hair binder" in Peyton's hair to show just how long it really was. Yes this is Peyton.

During the hair cut

After the hair cut

This makes me really sad. He is such a little boy, not my baby anymore:(


npage79 said...

I remember when my son got his first haircut. His looks changed, and he looked more like a little boy than a baby. I cried a little.

Emily Nelson said...

OMG! He looks like such a BIG boy with a haircut! I can't believe he didn't cry or anything. How cute. :)

Holly Mae said...

Wow! He does look like a big boy with his new haircut. Isn't it scary how fast they grow up!?!?! He totally looks like you (Mel) in that last picture!!!