Monday, May 25, 2009

"We goin to the zoo"

This morning we took our first trip of the season to the Zollman Zoo that is about 5 miles from our house. Peyton was so excited to see the bear. He kept yelling with excitement from the truck "we goin to the zoo."

Being the social butterfly that he is, he made friends with in minutes with a little girl at the bear exhibit. He kept telling her that a bear says "rawrrr."
He made sure that both Jeremy and I didn't miss an animal. He pointed to every animal.

He got right in this calf's face. He also yelled "moo" just in case the calf didn't know what he was supposed to say.

He fed the goats.

And posed for a picture with his mom.


Holly Mae said...

Too stinkin' cute!!! Love the hat too!!

Hope everything is going well and that you're feeling good. You look great in the picture!!

Emily Nelson said...

How cute! I love your commentary - I can almost hear Peyton "mooing" at the cow!