Saturday, February 13, 2010

Landon, 12 weeks

Landon had his 3 month pictures taken. He was such a trooper. It is amazing to me how fast he is growing.

Some of my personal favorites from home.

He is growing like a weed and is always as happy as can be! We have been blessed with such a good baby. He is sleeping about 8-9 hours a night before waking to eat and then goes right back to sleep. Who knew that babies slept? We sure didn't until Landon joined us. He had is first "official" day at daycare since I went back to work on Friday. He was perfect and he got a wonderful report.
Even though I was sick for a majority of the pregnancy I would do it all over again if I knew I was getting a baby that is as wonderful as him.


Emily Nelson said...

Does this mean we may be in for Eckhoff #3 sometime in the near future??? ;)

The Eckhoffs said...

UMM No. I am just saying he was worth it.

Holly Mae said...
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Holly Mae said...

He's adorable. I'm extremely jealous of the sleep...Tyson is two months older and still doesn't sleep through the night. We're lucky if we get an eight hour stretch most nights. Love the photos!