Wednesday, January 19, 2011

He's Off!

It has been a big weekend at our house. 2 new teeth and a WALKER! This walking thing is something Landon really didn't want to rush into. Finally at almost 14 months he decided that it was time. We are all thrilled.

I took the boys to meet some friends at the House of Bounce on Monday. Not only did Landon show off his bouncing skills he also thought he was hot stuff walking all over the place. After 1.5 hours of bouncing you can see in his eyes how tired he was. It was nap time and time to go home but not without one more stroll through the place.


Darren, Jennie, Brynn, and Cara said...

Yay! What a big week for Landon! I can't wait to see him in action:)

Holly Mae said...

Oh my gosh he's so big!!! We need to get all the boys together now that everyone is mobile and on the go! When's your spring break this year?