Thursday, March 5, 2009

Round 1: Mattie- 1 Peyton- 0

Well, we had our first Puppy/ Peyton accident this past weekend. Mattie jumped up on Peyton out of excitement. As I pulled her down either her claw or sharp baby tooth got Peyton in the ear. We immediately rushed Peyton to the ER. After 5 hours he ended up with 5 stitches in his left ear.

This is the first picture of the wound. It is 5 days in and healing well. We took Peyton back to the doctor today to make sure that things were healing properly and it was!

After many tears (from Peyton and mom) and trying to decide what we had gotten ourself into with an almost 2 year old and a 9 week old puppy we both realized that we needed to have a better plan so that something like this won't happen again.


Emily Nelson said...

No matter how much planning you do, accidents always happen! There is no way you can plan completely for them. Peyton and Mattie will both grow up to be great buds, and Peyton can tell her all about when she was a puppy and made him get stitches... ;)

In our house I am more worried about Evan scarring the animals...or doing permanent hearing damage to their ears. he found his new "screeching voice" this week.

We miss you guys! We need to set up a play date soon.

Holly Mae said...

Hope Peyton's doing ok! It's so hard when they get hurt. Think it's harder on the parents then on them though...they're so dang tough!!