Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2 Month Stats!

This morning Landon had his 8 week well child exam. Here are his numbers.

Weight- 11lbs. 7 oz (56 Percentile)

Length- 22 inches (37 Percentile)

Head Circumference- 39cm ( 36 Percentile)

His Newborn stats were this:

Weight- 6lbs 14oz (25 Percentile)

Length- 20 1/4 inches (78 Percentile)

Head Circumference- 34cm (24 Percentile)

The Dr. is pretty sure that they measured is length a little wrong when he was born because at his 1 week appointment he was actually shorter. But, we all know that length doesn't run in the family... And, his Eckhoff melon hasn't caught up to him yet. But, if he is anything like his dad and brother it will!

He is a growing, healthy boy! He had his shots and is sleeping the day away now.

1 comment:

Holly Mae said...

He is so dang cute. Looks like he's growing like a weed. Isn't it crazy how much they change in those first few months?!?!?!