It is unbeleiveable that Landon is already 15 months old. The last year and 3 months have been amazing to see a relationship between our two boys blossom. Peyton was very unsure of his new brother for the first few months now they are becoming the best of friends. Peyton asks to be the first one in Landon's room each morning to wake him up and is the best big brother in the world. Landon copies EVERY thing that Peyton does. He loves to immitate his movements and noises.
Landon has really started to become very independent with in the last few weeks. He has been a pretty "fussy" early toddler. His clininess to me has really started to go away! He loves playing with toys and is incredibly smart. His fine motor skills amaze us each day!
Landon's 15 month stats:
Weight- 22 Lbs. 2 oz- 22nd Percentile
Length/ Height- 29.6 in.- 11th Percentile
Head Circumference- 18.3 in.- 33rd Percentile
Here are some fun facts about Landon:
* Landon eats everything- but fruit (any fruit) is his favorite.
* He sleeps from 7:30 PM to 7:00 AM
* Takes 1 nap/day about 3 hours!
* Is starting to talk ( says; mom, dad, score (while holding up the hockey stick), shoes, uh- oh.
* Mimics everyone- he things he is so funny!
* Loves to dance!
* Is a little fish- he loves swimming and just finished his first round of swimming lessons.
* Is RUNNING all over the place.
* Loves to have a job- loves to throw things away, wash the floor, pretend he is sweeping.
I seriously can't believe how fast he's growing! As he gets older I think him and Peyton look more alike. It's just nuts how they flip a switch and go from baby to toddler overnight. :(
Oh, and by the way...extremely jealous of how well your boys get along. Our boys get along occassionally but...they also fight a lot! ugh... They really do love each other though.....right???? ;-)
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