Sunday, April 10, 2011

Peyton is 4!

Last weekend we celebrated our Peyton's 4th birthday. It is AMAZING to me that he is 4 ( I guess I just don't feel old enough to have a 4 year old...). He continues to have the bubbliest personality. He amazes me everyday with the things he does and says. He is so smart and asks so many questions trying to figure out this great big world.

When he woke up on Sunday morning and I went into his room to wish him a happy birhtday he said " I grew so much last night mom." He just makes me laugh.

We celebrated with a "Construction Party". Peyton had lot of family and friends join us. It turned out wonderfully and he felt very special.

His request was a dump truck cake this year. We had a great time "constructing" this party!

The kids all play a couple of games and played together wonderfully!

After the party the Asleson clan stayed around. It was nice for the kids to have some time to play together. These next sequence of photos just melt my heart!

Dont' worry Cara and Landon also have a budding romance in the making.

The two oldest ended the night by the "campfire", roasting marshmallows and all. I just love how creative they are together.

1 comment:

Emily Nelson said...

Happy Birthday Peyton! Love the cute photos Melissa!!!